Purely Dysfunctional Data Structures

Practical Side of Implementing Immutable Structures

Grzegorz Piwowarek


{ 4comprehension.com }

Senior Software Engineer @ Hazelcast

Trainer @ Bottega IT Minds



                List<String> transform(List<String> list);

                List<String> transform(List<String> list) {


                    if (MOON.getLunarPhase() == FULL) list.remove(7);
                    OtherClass.mutableStaticField = list;
                    return list;

Immutability helps in minimizing the number of invalid states

                User user = new User();

                // ...

                User user = new User(); // 2^0

                // ...

                User user = new User(); // 2^0

                user.setName(...);      // 2^1
                user.setSurname(...);   // 2^2
                user.setPhone(...);     // 2^3
                // ...
                user.set(...);          // 2^N


                User user = new User();

                Set<Users> users = new HashSet<>();

                users.contains(user); //false

                User user = new User(name, surname);

Error space reduced

Immutability enables multiple optimizations

  • Objects can be memoized
  • Properties can be precomputed (hashes, sizes, etc)
  • 2 Element List (JDK9)

                    static final class List12<E> extends AbstractImmutableList<E> {
                         private final E e0;
                         private final E e1;
                         public E get(int index) {
                             if (index == 0) {
                                 return e0;
                             } else if (index == 1 && e1 != null) {
                                 return e1;
                             throw outOfBounds(index);
    An object is immutable when:

  • its state cannot be modified after construction
  • all its fields are final*
  • "this" reference doesn't escape during construction
  • Java Concurrency in Practice, Brian Goetz

    Is String immutable?

                    final class String {
                        // ...
                        private final byte[] value;
                        private final byte coder;
                        private int hash;
                        // ...
                    public int hashCode() {
                        int h = hash;
                        if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
                            hash = h = isLatin1() ? StringLatin1.hashCode(value)
                              : StringUTF16.hashCode(value);
                        return h;

    It depends.

    Does immutable even exist?

                    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                        VarHandle VALUE = MethodHandles.privateLookupIn(
                          String.class, MethodHandles.lookup())
                          .findVarHandle(String.class, "value", byte[].class);
                        Object kotlin = VALUE.get("Kotlin");
                        Object java = VALUE.get("Java!!");
                        System.arraycopy(java, 0, kotlin, 0, Array.getLength(kotlin));
                        System.out.println("Kotlin"); // Java!!
    "Safely Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Java 9" by Heinz Kabutz

    Immutable objects are not always thread-safe

    The state of a new collection instance may not have been "published" (in the sense of the Java Memory Model specification), so that an unsynchronized non-volatile read from another thread may observe the object in an invalid state


    If someone unsafely publishes new ::("", Nil) or Vector(1) to another thread,
    that thread could observe a inconsistent state (...)

    Designing Immutable APIs


                     static abstract class AbstractImmutableList<E>
                        extends AbstractImmutableCollection<E> ... {
                          // all mutating methods throw UnsupportedOperationException
                          void    add(...) { throw uoe(); }
                          boolean addAll(...) { throw uoe(); }
                          E       remove(...) { throw uoe(); }
                          void    replaceAll(...) { throw uoe(); }
                          E       set(...) { throw uoe(); }
                          void    sort(...) { throw uoe();

    The easy and not-very user-friendly way

    And it violates Liskov's Substitution Principle

    The key to user-friendly APIs of immutable structures are "mutating" methods returning a copy of the source

                     static abstract class AbstractImmutableList<E>
                        extends AbstractImmutableCollection<E> ... {
                          // all mutating methods return a changed copy
                          List<E> add(...) { return copyWith(...) }
                          List<E> addAll(...) { return copyWithAll(...) }
                          List<E> remove(...) { return copyWithout(...) }
                          List<E> replaceAll(...) { return copyWithReplaced(...) }
                          List<E> set(...) { return copyAndSet(...) }
                          List<E> sort(...) { return copySorted(...) }
                     static abstract class AbstractImmutableList<E>
                        extends AbstractImmutableCollection<E> ... {
                          // all mutating methods return a changed copy
                          List<E> add(...) { return copyWith(...) }
                          List<E> addAll(...) { return copyWithAll(...) }
                          List<E> remove(...) { return copyWithout(...) }
                          List<E> replaceAll(...) { return copyWithReplaced(...) }
                          List<E> set(...) { return copyAndSet(...) }
                          List<E> sort(...) { return copySorted(...) }

    That's quite a lot of copying

    ... and iterating

    "Haskell computations produce a lot of memory garbage - much more than conventional imperative languages."
    "It's not uncommon to produce 1gb of data per second ..."

    Persistent Data Structures

    A data structure that supports multiple versions is called persistent

    while a data structure that allows only a single version at a time is called ephemeral
    "Making data structures persistent" - James R. Driscoll, Neil Sarnak, Daniel D. K. Sleator, and Robert E. Tarjan
  • Brute-force copying
  • Fat nodes (think in-memory event-sourcing for data structures)
  • Structural sharing
  • Structural sharing

    Gain efficiency by minimizing copying and maximizing reuse of existing elements

    Rich Hickey’s “Clojure Concurrency”

    Functional Data Structures by Oleg Šelajev

    Purely Functional Data Structures by Grzegorz Piwowarek


    A Persistent Data Structure?

                    public String substring(int beginIndex) {
                         // ... JDK 8
                         return (beginIndex == 0)
                           ? this
                           : new String(value, beginIndex, subLen);

    Could avoid a new String allocation and would be perfectly safe

    ...but could create memory leaks so String's constructor does the copy anyway


    Doesn't work with mutable structures

                    public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
                        subListRangeCheck(fromIndex, toIndex, size);
                        return new SubList(this, 0, fromIndex, toIndex);

    Source can be mutated which can lead to sneaky bugs

    For example:

                        List<Integer> numbers = // ...
                        List<Integer> transformed = guava.Lists.transform(numbers, i -> i);
                        List<Integer> someNumbers = transformed.subList(0, 3);
                        System.out.println(numbers);      // [2,3,4,5...]
                        System.out.println(someNumbers);  // [2,3,4]

    Persistent Singly-Linked List

                        class Cons<T> implements List<T> {
                            private final T head;
                            private final List<T> tail;
                        List<T> prepend(T element) {
                            return new Cons<>(element, this);

    Zero copy and constant time

    "Purely Functional Data Structures in Scala", Vladimir Kostyukov

    What about List#append?

                        List<T> append(T element) {
                            return foldRight(of(element), (x, xs) -> xs.prepend(x));


    Acceptable for lists since we have O(1) additions

    Immutable Structures are thread-safe

    ...but not always useful for multithreaded scenarios

    From the book "King Midas and the Golden Touch" by Marie C Craft

    If we want to share "updates" of an immutable structure, we need to manually control access to the root reference

                    private volatile ImmutableList<Integer> queue;
                    // ..
                    // major contention here!
                    private synchronized void prepend(Integer e) {
                       queue = queue.prepend(e);

    ...or just use a dedicated mutable data structure

    ...or a different way of sharing updates

    Same applies to any immutable structure

                    private volatile String text;
                    private synchronized void add(String postfix) {
                        text = text + postfix;

    We could do the same lock-free with CAS but that would generate even more garbage and further stress GC

    Persistent Set

                    class Set<T> {
                        private final List<T> set;

    Highly inefficient because of O(N) element access

    Can we do something... smarter?

    We could use a tree

    Path copying

    Path copying

    Subtrees not on the path can be shared

    Persistent Queue

                    class Cons<T> implements List<T>, Queue<T> {
                        private final List<T> queue;

    Works great as a LIFO stack

    Queues exhibit different access patterns than lists which makes this implementation highly inefficient

    Efficient Persistent Queue

                    class Cons<T> implements List<T>, Queue<T> {
                        private final List<T> front;
                        private final List<T> rear; // in opposite direction


                    private Queue(List<T> front, List<T> rear) {
                        this.front = front.isEmpty() ? rear.reverse() : front;
                        this.rear = front.isEmpty() ? front : rear;


                    public Queue<T> enqueue(T element) {
                        return new Queue<>(front, rear.prepend(element));


                     public Option<Tuple2<T, Q>> dequeue() {
                         return isEmpty()
                           ? Option.none()
                           : Option.some(Tuple.of(head(), tail()));

    Amortized constant-time! (mostly O(1), rarely O(n))

    List#reverse is performed infrequently

    Most likely not acceptable for real-time systems

    Can we do something... smarter?

    We could use a tree

    2-3 Tree

    2-3 Finger Tree

    Finger is a structure providing efficient access to nodes of a tree near a distinguished location.

    ...if it's so smart, why does Scala use Banker's Queue?

    It's much more cache-friendly*

    Persistent Map

                    class PMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
                        private final List<Entry<K, V> map;

    Advantages: it works

    Disadvantages: performs nowhere near HashMap

    Can we do something... smarter?

    Hash-Array Mapped Trie

    Trie (Radix Tree)

    A trie for keys "A", "to", "tea", "ted", "ten", "i", "in", and "inn" with random values


    Hash-Array Mapped Trie

  • "A trie with hashes"

  • https://idea.popcount.org/2012-07-25-introduction-to-hamt/

    Node can hold up to 32 elements (branching factor = 32)

    Space efficiency can be increased by using bitmaps

    Lookup: log_32(N)

    log_32(Integer.MAX_VALUE) ~ 6

    log_32(Long.MAX_VALUE) ~ 13

    Compressed Hash-Array Mapped Prefix-Tree

    for better locality

    Scala's HashMap since 2.13


    Cache-Aware Lock-Free Concurrent Hash Tries



  • Vavr
  • Cyclops
  • Key takeaways:

  • Efficient immutability involves minimization of copying and maximization of structural sharing
  • Simple beats complex
  • Immutability is not a silver bullet
  • Trade-offs are everywhere
  • Purely Functional Data Structures, Chris Okasaki
  • Red-Black Trees in a Functional Setting, Chris Okasaki
  • Ideal Hash Trees, Phil Bagwell
  • Fast And Space Efficient Trie Searches, Phil Bagwell
  • Cache-Aware Lock-Free Concurrent Hash Tries, Prokopec, Bagwell, Odersky
  • https://shipilev.net/jvm/anatomy-quarks/11-moving-gc-locality/
  • { 4comprehension.com }

    Senior Software Engineer @ Hazelcast

    Trainer @ Bottega IT Minds



    Thank You!