A Hitchhiker's Guide to the

Functional Exception Handling

in Java

Grzegorz Piwowarek


{ 4comprehension.com }

Independent Consultant>

Trainer @ Bottega IT Minds



Type-Driven Development

Optional, Try, Either

"Every time you call a function that can raise an exception and don’t catch it on the spot, you create opportunities for surprise bugs caused by functions that terminated abruptly,leaving data in an inconsistent state, or other code paths that you didn’t think about."
October 13, 2003 by Joel Spolsky


Create unexpected exit points

Behave like GOTOs

Invisible in the source code

Invisible when async

... and don't come for free

			    public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() { ... }
"Fills in the execution stack trace. This method records within this Throwable object information about the current state of the stack frames for the current thread."

"Cost of Causing Exceptions", Heinz Kabutz
"The hidden performance costs of instantiating Throwables", Norman Maurer

Error Handling in Go!

"Values can be programmed, and since errors are values, errors can be programmed. Errors are not like exceptions. There’s nothing special about them, whereas an unhandled exception can crash your program."
"Errors are values", Rob Pike

Errors are values

func foo(s string) (string, error) { ... }

                response, err := foo("42")
                if err != nil {
                    // ...

                _, err := os.Create("/tmp/file")
                if err != nil {

Meanwhile in Java...

Exception Handling Antipatterns

Log and throw

Declaring that your method throws java.lang.Exception

Declaring that your method throws a large variety of exceptions

Log and return null

Catch and ignore

Catching java.lang.Exception

Destructive wrapping

Throw within finally

Multi-line log messages

Unsupported operation returning null

Relying on getCause()


Compile-time checks -> shorter feedback cycles

Scrum Reference Card

CGI Character Rigging



                public class Person {
                    private final String name;
                    private final String surname;
                    private final String address;
                    private final String phoneNumber;
                    private final String age;


                public class Person {
                    private final String name;
                    private final Surname surname;
                    private final Address address;
                    private final PhoneNumber phoneNumber;
                    private final PositiveInteger age;

Optionality expressed with types

                Person findOne(long id);

                Optional<Person> findOne(long id);

Same approach can be applied to exception handling



arrow (Kotlin)

Try (Scala)

encapsulates exception handling

                sealed abstract class Try[+T]

Consumer side

                List<URL> getSearchResults(String searchString) throws IOException

                Try<List<URL>> getSearchResults(String searchString) { ... }

                  .onFailure(ex -> LOG.info("..."))
                  .getOrElse(() -> 42);


                Try<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper)
                Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
                Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) ...

                Try<T> orElse(Try<? extends T> other)

                Try<T> onFailure(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
                Try<T> onSuccess(Consumer<? super T> action)

                Try<T> recover(Class<X> exception, T value)

                T get(); // do not use that.

Producer side

                List<URL> getFromGoogle(String search)
                  throws NoSuchElementException, IOException

                List<URL> getFromDuckDuckGo(String search)
                  throws IOException

                static Try<List<URL>> getSearchResults(String searchString) {
                    return Try.of(() -> getFromGoogle(searchString))
                      .recover(NoSuchElementException.class, emptyList())
                      .recover(NSAForbiddenException.class, emptyList())
                      .orElse(() -> Try.of(() -> getFromDuckDuckGo(searchString)));

                Try<InputStream> foo = getSingleSearchResults("foo")
                  .flatMap(url -> Try.of(url::openStream))

                  Case($Success($()), "Opened successfully"),
                  Case($Failure($()), "Failed :(")

JEP-305: Pattern Matching

Option (Scala)

                sealed abstract class Option[+A]

Absence modeling

                Person findOne(long id) throws NoSuchElementException;
                Integer valueOf(String s) throws NumberFormatException;

                Try<Person> findOne(long id)
                Try<Integer> valueOf(String s)

                Optional<Person> findOne(long id);
                Optional<Integer> valueOf(String s);

Emulating Go's error handling with Tuples

                Tuple2<Person, ErrorObject> findOne(long id);

                Tuple2<Person, ErrorObject> res = findOne(42);
                if (res._2 != null) { ... }
                if (res._1 != null) { ... }

Omnipresent "Java" feel

Tuples are expected to hold non-nullable values

Either (Scala)

encapsulates exception handling

                sealed abstract class Either[+A, +B]

Disjoint union

Try<T> is isomorphic to Either<Throwable, T>​

By convention, Right is success and Left is failure

In Scala (and Vavr), Either is right-biased now*




                LeftProjection<L, R> left()
                RightProjection<L, R> right()

                Either<X, Y> bimap(
                  Function<..., X> leftMapper,
                  Function<..., Y> rightMapper)

                U fold(Function<..., U> leftMapper, Function<..., U> rightMapper)

                R getOrElseGet(Function<? super L, ? extends R> other)

                Either<R, L> swap()

                L getLeft()  // do not use that unless you know what you are doing
                L getRight() // yup, you guessed it.

Error objects (Scala)

                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)

Error objects (Java)

                public static class FetchError {
                    private final String msg;
                    private final HttpResponse response;

                    public FetchError(String msg, HttpResponse response) {
                        this.msg = msg;
                        this.response = response;

                    public String getMsg() {
                        return msg;

                    public HttpResponse getResponse() {
                        return response;

                    public String toString() {
                        return "FetchError{" +
                          "msg='" + msg + '\'' +
                          ", response=" + response +

                    public boolean equals(Object o) {
                        if (this == o) return true;
                        if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

                        FetchError that = (FetchError) o;

                        if (msg != null ? !msg.equals(that.msg) : that.msg != null) return false;
                        return response != null ? response.equals(that.response) : that.response == null;

                    public int hashCode() {
                        int result = msg != null ? msg.hashCode() : 0;
                        result = 31 * result + (response != null ? response.hashCode() : 0);
                        return result;

That's 44 Scala's case classes...

                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)
                                case class FetchError(msg: String, response: HttpResponse)

Either in action

                Try<List<URL>> getSearchResults(String searchString)

                Either<FetchError, List<URL>> getSearchResults(String searchString)

                Either<FetchError, List<URL>> result = getSearchResults("foo")



Alternative Paths

                static Either<DnsUrl, URL> resolve(String url)

Alternative Paths - Scala TailCalls

                /** Returns either the next step of the tailcalling computation,
                 * or the result if there are no more steps. */
                @annotation.tailrec final def resume: Either[
                  () => TailRec[A], A] = this match {
                    case Done(a) => Right(a)
                    case Call(k) => Left(k)
                    case Cont(a, f) => a match {
                      case Done(v) => f(v).resume
                      case Call(k) => Left(() => k().flatMap(f))
                      case Cont(b, g) => b.flatMap(x => g(x) flatMap f).resume

What if your language(Java.) does not support that?

Use vavr.io (formerly known as Javaslang)

Take part in Java Community Process

Key takeaways

  • Exceptions work best when you don't expect people to recover from them
  • Try can be used for representing computations that may throw an exception
  • Absence can be modelled with Option instead of NoSuchElementException
  • Either can be used for advanced scenarios involving custom error objects and modeling alternative paths
  • VAVR is the new Guava
Using common sense is the ultimate Best Practice™.

                 static <T> Tuple1<Option<Try<T>>> Future(Future<T> future)

Thank You!

"To Try or not to Try, there is no throws"

Yoda, ~41:3